Attorney Eileen Lavigne Flug to be Honored by the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence

On Behalf of | Nov 4, 2019 | Awards, Elieen Lavigne Flug |

Attorney Eileen Lavigne Flug of Berchem Moses PC will be recognized by the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) as among this year’s “First 100 Plus” leaders who make a positive difference in the organization’s work to assist survivors of domestic violence in Connecticut. A breakfast and awards ceremony will be held on November 15, 2019 at the Hartford Downtown Marriott. Westport Police Chief Foti Koskinas will also be honored at this event for his department’s interpretation of a conflict between the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other state statutes that favored protecting victims of family violence.

Attorney Flug, who represents the Town of Westport, encouraged CCADV and their attorney Mark Sommaruga (also being honored) to intervene in a FOIA complaint filed against the Town and its police department by The Westport News, a division of Hearst Media, when the newspaper was denied the names and addresses of victims of family violence in a dual arrest situation in Westport. With the support of CCADV and other organizations that support victims of domestic violence, legislation to correct the conflict in the FOIA and extend protection to victims of family violence was sponsored by 33 Connecticut legislators, passed unanimously in both the house and the senate, and became law on October 1, 2019.

For more information about the upcoming event, click here



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